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Core Values

Biblical Truth

It is by the Word of God that the Spirit of God forms and shapes the church for His glory. We are convinced that the Word is necessary and sufficient for the salvation of people and the growth and health of the church. Therefore, Biblical Truth should govern every aspect of our life together. As a church, we are committed to proclaiming, knowing, understanding, and obeying the Bible.

Intentional Evangelism

We proclaim the Gospel to others calling them to repentance and faith

The local church is God’s means of getting the message of the Gospel to the world. Therefore, we endeavor to accurately understands the Gospel and commit ourselves to lovingly proclaiming it locally, nationally, and globally.

Spiritual Unity

Church is a group of people that have committed themselves to Jesus Christ and to love one another. Therefore, we recognize our responsibility to and for one another as members of Christ’s body to live selfless and sacrificially for the good of our fellow-members.

Faithful Stewardship

We generously invest our God-given resources to further His eternal purposes; We give joyfully in order to support this ministry of Jesus Christ. That includes our time, energy, and finances to support the advancement of the Gospel. We are eager to meet the needs of the members of the body, and, as we have opportunity, we seek to display the love and mercy of Christ to outsiders as well.

Constant Prayer

We engage in continual communication with God and declare our dependence on Him with thanksgiving

Therefore. we devote ourselves to the priority of praying together as a congregation and giving ourselves to prayer as individual members.

Committed Discipleship

We help each other follow Jesus through loving relationships.

The church is built up as members are equipped to speak the truth in love.  Therefore, we will emphasize, encourage, and promote the priority of intentional relationships within the body. Our pastors is committed to equip each member as effective ministers to make disciples of those we meet along the way.

Corporate Worship

We gather together to joyfully express our love and loyalty to Jesus as King

The church gathers together to celebrate the glory of Jesus as Lord and Savior, to proclaim His message, and to identify with His sufferings. Therefore, our gatherings will center on exalting Christ as Lord and Savior, joyfully submitting to His Word, and encouraging one another toward faithful allegiance to Jesus.